Today’s Leadership Imperative with Howard Gardner and Daniel Goleman
$50.00 – $150.00
Today's Leadership Imperative with Howard Gardner
In Today's Leadership Imperative Howard Gardner, Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Daniel Goleman, bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Focus, reveal the critical intelligences leaders need to develop in this unprecedented time of opportunity and risk. Gardner shares key findings from the Good Work Project at Harvard - where years of research have offered insights into what makes work excellent - and how leaders can drive excellent work in their organizations. This hour-long video includes seven sections:
- Leading and Multiple Intelligences
- The Role of Storytelling
- Leading and Truth
- Developing the Ethical Mind
- Good Work Defined
- Leading and Self-Awareness
- 7 Levels of Leadership
Leadership: A Master Class is Daniel Goleman's comprehensive video series that examines the best practices of top-performing executives, and offers practical guidance for developing emotional intelligence competencies. The eight-part video collection includes more than eight hours of valuable industry expertise, research findings, and case studies through in-depth interviews with respected leaders in executive management, organizational research, workplace psychology, negotiation, and senior hiring.