High Performance Leadership with George Kohlrieser and Daniel Goleman
$50.00 – $150.00
About High Performance Leadership
George Kohlrieser, a former hostage negotiator and Professor of Leadership at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), and Daniel Goleman, bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Focus, explore the research and practice behind high performance leadership, bonding, and managing conflict. This hour-long video includes ten sections:
- Using The Mind's Eye
- Leading Through Change
- The Art of Relationships: Attachment And Bonding
- The Power of Language
- Put The Fish on The Table: Managing Conflict
- Insights Into Negotiation
- How A Leader Builds Trust
- The Bullseye Transaction
- Positivity Matters for High Performance Leaders
- Key Takeaways
Leadership: A Master Class is Daniel Goleman's comprehensive video series that examines the best practices of top-performing executives, and offers practical guidance for developing emotional intelligence competencies. The eight-part video collection includes more than eight hours of valuable industry expertise, research findings, and case studies through in-depth interviews with respected leaders in executive management, organizational research, workplace psychology, negotiation, and senior hiring.