S3E5 Peter Haberl: Attention is the Currency of Performance
This is the second conversation in our three part series on achievement, one of four self-management competencies in Dan Goleman’s framework of emotional intelligence.
In this episode, Peter Haberl joins Liz Solomon to discuss how US Olympic athletes, coaches and staff unlock achievement within the system of their teams.
Our Guests
Peter Haberl
Peter Haberl joined the United States Olympic Committee in 1998. In his current position as senior sport psychologist, he provides individual and team consultations and mental training sessions to various national team athletes with a specific specialization in team sports. Haberl has enjoyed the privilege of having worked at nine Olympic Games, four Pan American Games, and one Paralympic Games with U.S. athletes. Prior to joining the Olympic Movement in the U.S., Haberl played professional ice hockey in Austria. Born in Austria, Haberl received his bachelor’s degree in sports science from the University of Vienna, Austria. He later earned his master’s degree in counseling and his Ed. D. in counseling psychology at Boston University. A licensed psychologist, Haberl focuses on mindfulness and ACT-based interventions. He enjoys using his daughter’s art work in his presentations.

The following resources were referenced in today’s episode:
If you’re interested in understanding the levels of stress and renewal in your life, or for your team as a whole, then the Personal Sustainability Index, or PSI, is a great tool for gaining those insights.
Backed by decades of research and developed by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis, the Personal Sustainability Index is a self-guided tool with a series of reflective questions to help you achieve a better balance between stress and renewal.
Go to keystepmedia.com/shop and use promo code “BALANCE” to get 20% off when you purchase 5 or more PSIs.
First Person Plural’s Listener Survey:
We care about supporting you on your EI journey and helping to bridge the gap between theory and application. That starts by better understanding YOU and the support and resources you’re looking for. If this resonates with you, and if you have 6 minutes to spare… Please take our Audience and Emotional Intelligence Insights survey: keystepmedia.com/eisurvey
We promise to take your insights to heart. You’ll have our deep gratitude – and a copy of the Leading with Empathy ebook, a collective guide that explores different applications and facets of empathy.
Ask Dan:
Have you ever wanted to ask Dan Goleman anything about emotional intelligence, mindfulness, meditation, or leadership? Or maybe purpose or life in general?
If you’ve got questions, Dan has answers.
Your question could be selected and featured on an upcoming episode.
Submit your question via voicemail at keystepmedia.com/askdan.
Deeper Dive into Emotional Intelligence:
Where Emotional Intelligence Begins, by Elizabeth Solomon
What Google Learned from its Quest to Build the Perfect Team
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Episode Credits:
This show is brought to you by our co-hosts Daniel Goleman, Hanuman Goleman, and Elizabeth Solomon and is sponsored by Key Step Media, your source for personal and professional development materials focused on mindfulness leadership and emotional intelligence.
- Special thanks to Isabella who you heard at the top of the show in our “Small People, Big Voices,” segment.
- This episode was written and produced by Elizabeth Solomon and Kerry Seed
- Audio Production by Michele Zipkin.
- Episode art and production support by Bryant Johnson.
- Music includes Tiny Footsteps in the Snow by Bio Unit, Norma by Monplaisir and theme music by Amber Ojeda.