We’d love to hear from our listeners. Please share your questions, feedback, insights, and stories with us via our Speakpipe voicemail app below for a chance to be included in a future episode.
By submitting a voicemail, you agree to give Key Step Media ownership of the audio clip and permission to use your name, likeness, and any information you share here. Thanks for being part of our community!
Ask Dan
Do you have a question for Daniel Goleman about Emotional Intelligence, empathy, mindfulness, resilience, or what it means to be an emotionally intelligent leader? Submit your question through our voicemail app above, and your question might be featured in an upcoming episode of the podcast.
Call for Listener Voicemails:
Throughout the season, we will be asking our listeners to submit questions and ideas via voicemail. Stay tuned for calls for stories based on topics we’ll be covering in future episodes by signing up for our newsletter and following us on LinkedIn.
You can use some of the following suggested questions or come up with your own prompt (have fun with it!):
- What questions do you have about past episodes?
- What topics/areas are you interested in learning more about?
- What do you disagree with?
- Are there areas you’d like us to discuss from a new angle?
Feature Your Child’s Wisdom On Our Show!
Our episodes also include the voices of kids in our segment “Small People, Big Answers,” giving a nod to the next generation and to feature their wisdom and insight. If your child (ages 3+ with parental permission) is interested in being on a future episode, you can use our voicemail app to record them. Be sure to get up nice and close so we can hear them! Please include your child’s first name, age and town.
We are currently looking for responses for the following prompts:
Achievement (Due June 7):
- Tell me about a time you were mad.
- What does anger look like? Sound like? (Show me.)
- Who do you go to when you feel upset, sad, or hurt? How does that person help you?
- What are three things you have in common? (Ask in pairs, e.g.: parent/child or child/child)
Feel free to get creative with the theme or topic and tailor the prompt based on your child, their age and area of interest.
Join Our “Small People, Big Answers” Listserv
Sign up below to receive the latest family-centered social emotional learning (SEL) prompts related to future episode themes and topics.