As an independent production team, we are launching the First Person Plural (FPP) podcast with no official sponsorship. We are immensely grateful for our grassroots supporters and patrons who make our show possible.
Want to support our show and get access to exclusive content? Become a monthly FPP Patreon subscriber here!
All of the funds raised go toward production costs on the back-end. This includes paying our small, but mighty (and hopefully, growing) team of producers, correspondents, researchers, fact-checkers, audio engineers, community managers, and web designers. Funding will also go towards paying for equipment, software, hosting platforms and other production tools.
We want to extend special thanks to our Kickstarter supporters who helped us raise over $12k for our podcast’s seed fund. None of this would be possible without you!
Lori L. LaRiviere
Lois Elrich
Dr. Keyaunoosh Kassauei
Jenner Marcucci
Relly Nadler
Ramon Pastrano
Chris Searles
Kristina Welm
Analia Yacot
Patrick Leung
Rick Warm
Renee Adams
Sharon Salzberg
Stace Williams
Virginie Bodescot
Patricia Figueroa
Mary Ann Kaczenski
Jan Lipsky
Tom Mahoney
Andrea Richards
ML Stewart
Alison Zecha
Samuel Adams
Steven Bonn
Mirabai Bush
Elizabeth Corcoran
Nicholas Croft
Joshua Gannon
Danielle Ignace
Kully Jaswal
Kelly Mannel
Kelly Kreiter Penning
Evan Pickford
Emily Rae
Maggie Spiegel
Holly L. Antolini
Diana Chaplin
Scout Cuomo
Vicki Elson and Timmon Wallis
Mark Fewell
Lynn Friesth
Kay Grünewald
Vicki Krebs
Joyce Marr
Ian Maynard
Jill McAlpine
Leanne McDonald
Jessica Morey
Sabina Nalepa
Rose Nisker
Kerry Penney
Rose Sandoval
Clay Shattock
Randolph Smith
Brian Sosnin
The Emerging Leader’s Project
Emily Syme
Christine Ellis Tuczinski
Jenelle Acosta
Tina Antolini
Rosana Araya
Jeremy Behrens
Amber Bemak
Andrew Brown
Brian S. Bullock
Elaine Cleeves
GM Coates
Anne Dirkx
James Everett
Andrew Farquharson
Janet Fischer
Paul Foxton
Laura Frogameni
Jiřà Goth
Samra Hadzikadunic
Tara Jones
Jessie Kraemer
Devan Marr
Helen Mason
Constance Miller
Monica Moran
Paula Moura
Jeffrey R. Munoz
Tom Niemi
Anne Norman
Hope Zinnbauer Obrien
George Pitagorsky
Tamara Poppler
Jessica Puettmann
Hannah Ray
George A Rodriguez
Andy Rotman
Linda Schweidel
Jane Slater
Colette Tracy
Peggy Twardowski
Wil van Moerkerk
Vish & Uma
John Visnauskas
Chandana Watagodakumbura
Anasuya Weil
David Wetton
Alan Young
Abraham Zablocki