Teresa Amabile
Teresa AmabileIn light of our results, managers who say””or secretly believe””that employees work better under pressure, uncertainty, unhappiness, or fear are just plain wrong. Negative inner work life has a negative effect on the four dimensions of performance: people are less creative, less productive, less deeply committed to their work, and less collegial to each other when their inner work lives darken.

Teresa Amabile is the Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration and director of research in the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School. Her initial education was in chemistry before she transitioned to psychology at Stanford University, where she earned her doctorate.
Her main interest in what truly makes workers happy, productive, and motivated, and her most recent work is concerned with how the work environment affects creativity. The research initiative identified the impact daily events have on the workers in organizations, and how implementing a specific routine can enhance creativity. Their findings have been published in management publications and scholarly journals, and a book for business practitioners summarizing their results is in progress.
Teresa earned a place in Thinkers50 twice, as well as being shortlisted for both the Breakthrough Idea award and the Innovation award. She serves on the editorial boards for the Creativity Research Journal, Creativity and Innovation Management, and the Journal of Creative Behavior. Teresa has been the guest speaker on a number of TEDx talks, as well as for many management organizations and corporations.
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At More Than Sound, Teresa is a conversationalist in The Executive Edge: An Insider’s Guide to Outstanding Leadership, a long book containing Daniel Goleman’s in-depth conversations with respected leaders in executive management, organizational research, workplace psychology, negotiation, and senior hiring. The Executive Edge examines the best practices of top-performing executives. It offers practical guidance for developing the distinguishing competencies that make a leader outstanding.
Every leader needs threshold abilities to get by at work. But in today’s complex business landscape, getting by isn’t enough. It’s the distinguishing competencies that are crucial for success. You need elements that will give you “the executive edge.”
Teresa is also a guest lecturer on Daniel Goleman‘s Leadership: A Master Class. Her segment, Create To Innovate, details the latest research behind creativity and innovation, and how leaders can encourage these factors in their organizations by creating and growing positive inner work lives for employees.
Create to Innovate is a part of the HR and EI Collection in The Coaching Program. Also included in the Coaching Program is Authentic Leadership by Bill George, Today’s Leadership Imperative by Howard Gardner, Resonant Leadership by Richard Boyatzis, and High Performance Leadership by George Kohlrieser.
Leadership: A Master Class is a part of the most in-depth program from our HR and EI Collection, the C-Suite Toolkit. It also includes What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters by Goleman and Resonant Leadership by Boyatzis.
The Progress Principle â—Š Creativity in Context â—Š Growing Up Creative