Brandt Passalacqua
Brandt Passalacqua“Cultivate a state of understanding that it is not your job to be perfect. It’s your job to be in a process that moves you more toward where you want to be. And if you do that, things will get much easier for you. You don’t actually have to get completely “better.” Or be “perfect.” If you have a very difficult relationship with food, it’s going to take some work. But it doesn’t have to be painstaking. If you think that you’re going to never have negative thoughts or emotions or behaviors around food again, that’s probably not true. What you want to do instead is to have those difficult thoughts, emotions, behaviors, rearing their ugly head less. The way to do that is to have other sets of thoughts and emotions in your space more.”
– Brandt Passalacqua, 2013

Brandt Passalacqua is an author, speaker and the founder of Peaceful Weight Loss™ through Yoga, whose personal journey serves as an inspiration to countless others looking to make peace with food. After struggling with his weight, food and substance addiction and serious illness, Brandt discovered yoga and through his practice developed an appreciation for his body and his health. Now 100 pounds lighter and at peace in ways he never thought possible, Brandt works as a private yoga therapist helping people meet their own weight loss and wellness goals. In addition to giving lectures and seminars across the country, Brandt trains yoga teachers and health care practitioners in Peaceful Weight Loss™ through Yoga. Brandt maintains an office in Western Massachusetts.
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At More Than Sound, Pass is the author of Being at Peace with Food. We are often told that our difficulty with food is driven by a lack of dietary knowledge. Yet only changing our diet is a short-term solution that generally adds to our frustrations with weight, with food, and with ourselves. Fortunately, there is a more holistic approach. These proven-effective, easy-to-practice meditations and contemplations on Being at Peace with Food are designed to gently guide you away from negative eating habits and body image mindsets, and help you develop a healthy relationship with food, and yourself.
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